Autumn – I reckon this time of year is best for shooting. There seems to be a lot less summer morning haze, the air is cleaner – crisper, and the colours in the sky are consistently inspiring. The waves tend to be better and more cleansing offshore breezes to match.
I have to confess, during COVID19 lockdown, I’ve enjoyed sleeping in. I mean for 21 years I’ve been fumbling around in the dark with my camera trying to capture first light – so it has been a nice break from routine, and the extra ZZZzzzs make you feel fantastic.
Here are some examples of beautiful Autumn mornings. It sounds like next week is going to be very different as Australia is starting to open up a lot more. Interesting times! Stay vigilant, wash hands, lots of toe-tapping and all that.
During COVID19 we are still offering Aust-wide free shipping to gallery artwork customers. It’s a ridiculously good deal, watch this for instructions to redeem.
PEACE – uge.
I agree Uge, autumn light rules