Planetary Alignment

We’ve had a good run the past coupla days. The surf has been pretty awesome and today the 5 am sunrise was a blaze of colour over Bondi.

It’s a tad smaller today with 3-4 footers but from sunrise, it’s been super clean and hollow – pretty much everywhere I looked! Sydney loves an East swell, so many options.

It is all gonna change as the threatening Southerly is gonna hit – haven’t surfed yet? – surf now or spend the arvo thumbing through tube shots from the past days on the Gram.

No, you’re not too late to order artworks from the Aquabumps Gallery. Come see us this weekend or order online. Have you seen our USA collection?

:: uge

Blake Thornton hasn't done a turn in 2 days, so many tubes


Romantic sunrise swims at Bondi today


Everyone hit it today, crowded everywhere


Even little ones...a drainer


Golden sheen of da Bergs


Putting the roof on


Early birds see all the goods


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