Lunar Burn

Good morning to the good people of Aquabumps. Today has all the right ingredients, clear skies, warm air and light winds. It’s a good day to have off, middle of the week, go chill down the beach.  Stuff like that…

32 banging degrees on Friday – now that’s another day you should have off.

Benny’s boardroom, a website that has curated essentials for the urban adventurer, is offering Aquabumps readers a deal on his site, take 20% off. Use this code on his website (not ours) ‘AQUABUMPS20%2016’. I repeat on Benny’s website, not Aquabumps. Take a look now.

Short one today, :: uge

Chris Friend, thriving


OK, the moon looks big now


Little Sol lighting up


Cameron Hoy, float section


Powering through fast sections


What lovely curtains you have....


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