Blake Thornton 6:00am finding some close out ramps
Damn those sand banks at Bondi are straight. Some of the finest close outs on offer this morning.
Every now and then a close out would hold open long enough for a ramp. Mostly 2 footers. Suns out. Tomorrow is going to be a steamy 35 degrees!
Did you hear that they pulled a Great White Shark out of the nets at Bondi yesterday? More

Ed finding some green shade, Bondi 7am

Loner at sunrise, Bondi 5:50am

The reef has a good wave every 30 mins

2 more weeks for these two

Blake making the most of a Bondi close out

Like Pitt Street Mall at 6:30am


Smells like summer to me!

Pama Davies

It's coming...

Got a Mastercard? Best get into the Bondi store for our mega deal
I would like to mention how impressive Pama Davies was yesterday avo.
Surfing that very crowded, punchy but often close-out southern rip bowl , I observed him firstly sniff out a thick barrel (one of the rare good ones) exiting the barrel into a slam on the close out section finishing clean. Later I saw him complete two airs on one wave both higher than 3ft above the lip!! This would win most heats hands down in those waves.
I didn’t find a decent wave out there so watching him do this left me even more frustrated – but impressed.
Many air shots leave you pondering the completion rate but Pama is making many more than I realised these days.
nice work Pama.
you’re……..you’re Pama, aren’t you?
We got engaged on this morning over looking the cliffs at the entrance to the Sydney harbour, we had walked past you taking the ‘it’s coming ‘ photo before we headed around there. Just ordered it framed, very cool, I’ve followed you for a while and it’s so cool to now have our own print with a special meaning. Stoked