Bondi 7:20am, Geurs...foam slaying


Just like I said yesterday, it’s a good week. Autumn turns on for another day. Sunny, hot, glassy morning…little left throwing some lip in the corner and 10,000 humans up enjoying it. Why can’t it be like this every day?

Go surf, it’s an east swell, decent and around head high. The mercury will get up to 26 today, I’d even say higher. Too good to be sitting in a cubicle.

Our Aquabumps Gallery is open this weekend 10am to 6pm. We are CLOSED Good Friday and Monday though…so pop in Sat/Sun.

Bells is on today. Watch

:: uge

P.S. if this measly update isn’t enough, follow us on Instagram (@Aquabumps)

What time is it Wal?

Bondi 6:30am, Golden Steam

See, old guys still get barrelled. Robin Austin

Lone swimmer - this is where you should be today

Arlen and his inkworks

Bondi off the top

23 thoughts on “Stunner

  1. Epic first picture, I have been waiting all day to see that, land locked in Saltcoats, Saskatchewan. Look that shit up

  2. Golden steam gets my Pic of the day Uge… also interesting how you manage to get that sun shinning through thing going on with a perfect star shape – take a bit of practice ?

  3. So many bad tats around, gonna be a real generation of rough looking old people in 30 years time. Especially the chicks. Saw this smoker in Byron with artwork all over her chest…looked cute on a 22 year old…prob not at 45 though haha

    1. Thats like saying “that fruit isn’t going to look tasty once it’s old and moldy”. Would you eat the fruit if it looked ok but was still off? No. You’re not going to eat that old fruit no matter what in the same sense that you’re not going to eat an old persons fruit because it’s their fruit and it’s up to them whether or not you can eat it. Leave their fruit alone!!

      1. erm,,, I guess. older chicks/women look pretty bad with a saggy cleavage covered in ink. As am of the opinion so will a load dudes with sleeves etc when they hit the twighlight years. Biases though???

      2. as an oldie myself i still think I look OK even though to young people i probably look ‘saggy’ – i just think ‘rough’ was a bit harsh, does ‘rough’ go with tats? and whenever chicks are singled out like in ‘especially chicks’ I get a bit of a Germaine Greer thing going……………. and I have a beautiful daughter (well 2 actually) but one who chose to have tats as she thinks they are a thing of beauty and i would never look at her as becoming a rough looking old person

      3. Sorry Lenore, didnt mean to offend, just an opinion which means nothing. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder after all.

      4. No offence taken Leonie, and totally agree – our thoughts define our perceptions of what is beautiful.

  4. Completely off the topic of today’s photos but does anyone know if Sea Surfboards still exists? Their website seems to have disappeared.

  5. The first shot is unreal! I took the advice under the 5th photo and got down to Bondi today. Gorgeous in the autumn light.

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