I crashed the car, I ate some bad chicken last night, she dumped me, I’m locked out of my apartment (since yesterday), my best friend is getting married, there’s a big client over north side that is close to signing…
…these are all plausible excuses to wag work and go for a drive to find some waves – ’cause it’s glassy and decent right now. The Kid and I went north side as these East swells are wasted around the motherland. We found some sweet, peaky, meaty 4 footers…the odd hollow tube…and barely a human in sight. Gotta love that.
If you are thinking about heading out – you’d want to be quick, like don’t bother reading the rest of this email and scoot now…that NE wind will kick at lunchtime (in about 1 hr) and ruin most of the fun.
We currently have an Aquabumps Exhibition showing at the Tanjong Beach Club on Sentosa Island. I’d like to thank our generous sponsors Lend Lease, Tourism Australia, Hellman logistics and Mumm Champagne. The launch went really well last Thursday night…plenty of interest from everyone on the island. Go have a look and a cocktail on Singapore’s only decent beach…
Adios :: uge
These pics are awesome Where are they Taken?????
Ally that is the whole point of me leaving out the details…and please, if you know where we were this morning, you’re a legend, and maybe just keep it to yourself…there are waves in a lot of places today, cheers, uge
I just know that if I bought a board like Caleb’s I would surf like him too. So could you please tell me the model/shaper?
I will try to buy my way to glory.
Aloha Beach, Carbon SLRX Bean 5’6″ – i have one too – love it!
Great to see you on the northside
Off to Singapore next week for work…will see if I can swing past and check out the pics. Congrats on the exhibit. Great work as always on the post, and glad you could venture north for a change!
now that my little fella is growing up I’ll be on the move more…
Great images as usual and when I grow up I want to have a job just like Uge has. Problem is I suspect I could be old enough to be his dad.
My attempt
some feedback mate..be nice if your pics fit into one page and you didnt have to scroll down to hit the next picture arrow button.
Hi Leonie, not sure what you mean. All the pics are on one page (on the daily blog). The only time you have to hit Next picture is in the gallery section, where there is over 1,500…so obviously you can’t fit them on 1 page.
Oh, sorry – you mean dean’s site – got it. Sorry, I’m a bit slow today
Duly noted, Thanks.
My wife is fine too and on her way home with some fresh chicken from Woolies. I’m making Chilli Chicken Basil tonight.
uge really is a great photographer…
all those waves were close outs,
when xxxxxx is real good it does get crowded,
nice lil story though to go with it all…
and don’t worry all you bondi kooks,
there’s just as many wannabes on the northside…
come over anytime
wow! so great to see you up my way! the photos are amazing like always, hope you get to venture further up my way more often…
Please stay away from the northern beaches because
Great shots looks like Hossigor.
Nice to see ya on our side of town! you should do it more often
I have been folowing you for a while now, so sorry to here about you and your wife.
Onya for heading out and making the most out of a bad situation with your little boy.
The beauty of photography i guess is that you can have a very crappy day and then head out and shoot some waves it can always make a smile.
Keep Well
#1 Fan Dovi
Hi Dovi, thanks for your comment. Not sure if I’ve mislead you…my wife is fine and my little man is 10 out of 10. So everything is fine. He’s just older now, so I can get out more and shoot away more.
Why did you think something is wrong with my wifie? uge
Dovi… you gotta be pulling one here… surely you didn’t take that for real?
read the second paragraph dovi.
love your work uge
Wow now I’m really confused