It is bucketing down this morning. I won’t dwell on that. I sat in the Bondi car park with Birdie around 7am watching 4-5 footers chug into Bondi – not a soul around. No one surfing. It actually looked surfable, just need some night vision goggles.
I think we could all do with a bit of sunshine in our inboxes this morning…as you settle indoors for the day. Here are 7 images that will remind you of what good weather looks like…which is just around the corner.
There will be places with good waves today, maybe towards the low tide…go have a look. Boom, the skies just opened up with a thunderstorm as I write. Keep dry.
:: uge
Brutal drop in…the guy on the inside is going to get hammered. Wonder if Hawaian water justice was served……
Uge it was firing this morning! Stop being a fairy and take some shots of the eastern beaches. First time we have had swell in ages. Just sayin….
Uge, although we love sunshine, it would be great to get some photos that reflect the reason aquabumps was originally set up. There are waves to boot today, many a place is handling the swell which is being groomed into shape by a wsw wind. Notwithstanding the waves on offer, due to the rain you have (once again) thrown on a few re-runs and crawled back into your dark room. Stop focusing on funny angles and light settings and get out there and shoot some waves! Bet the websites from the north side (saltmotion and daily sprout) were out there getting it done while you were sipping a latte.
Good call.
Mate, photography is about exploring different angles, Uge does a great job of that. He keeps his shots eye catching yet, of the beach, and places we would rather be. You can sit there and say all you want but if you really want to see waves just go out and see them. Don’t sit here and make comments like that. As i said, everything you said not to do like playing with light and exploring different angels is what makes Uge’s photos stand out. Everyone wave he shoots he would think about the angles on which he places them, and the positioning within the frame. This morning Sydney airport closed down due to rain. Would anybody in their right mind take their $10,000+ kit out with them in torrential rain. I don’t think so. Me as a viewer and a photographer like seing these kind of shots. You can say all you want but give him a brake! The backlog of shots he has put up, i think are some of his best.
1st in last out….. epic snap…
Good point SL
Not writing off, but the above posts have a point. some of the best waves all year this morning but no coverage becasue of a little rain. would love to hear you were getting waves too but i doubt it.
Oooh Sun Lover give Uge a break. Aquabumps beats those other sites hands down…. The first ‘Sun Walker’ shot put a sunny glow on my face this morning as I sat in my house in Bondi while the rain poured down outside! Keep up the fantastic work Uge, doing a great job!
What’s the bet Caspar rides a 10’6 Mctavish, owns a Land Rover and only surfs north end…When its sunny.
Actually Ando I surf a 6’4 Webber, currently don’t have a car and normally surf Bronte or Tama because the crowds at Bondi do my head in!
Casper, happy you enjoy the nice colours and imagery that goes along with the surfing “lifestyle”. More than happy for kooks like yourself to sit insde while the waves pump cause its raining. grow some cojones or sell your grandad’s webber.
not taking any credit away from your hawaii photos, there amazing, but mate, 6 years ago you were the one standing in the rain waiting for that one black wave to peak up and throw over. be that man again!!
wow brutal today. i don’t know that aquabumps was ever just about the waves on the day, a multitude of websites can give you that, stare at one of the webcams all day if thats want you need to see. This guy is looking to share his feelings and view for the day, and share what ever things he desires. wanna know what time high tide is and where you can get the best wave in sydney, jump on one of the other sites.
Hi Sun Lover, In defence of Uge, and having lived North-side in Newport for ten years, Manly and North Side is a lot cleaner in these conditions. Bondi cops the swell and wind straight from the South. There was nothing to shoot this morning, trust me, whereas these conditions set North-side alight. Not only that Sun Lover, those websites are simply a straight copy or a blantant ripoff of Aquabumps, only with about a tenth of the audience. Support the original SL, don’t go for cheap fakes.
Andrzej, pal, I saw the bra this morning and It was easy 6ft plus and glassy, maybe 3 foot from the back. There were some black suckholes coming through that were spitting!
6ft is way too big for me..I own a Landrover and 10’6″ McTavish, and only surf North Bondi.
….Bra was pumping hey, Well good on those that braved the rain to enjoy some pits…They can enjoy the lack of crowds. Myself, I got soaked walked 20 metres to the bus to go to work
Hmmm, perhaps a few pics of both? I do know the bra had surfable waves, with surfers on them, this morning…
Exactly. would have been great to have a few shots…
Frothers, each to their own. If you like nice pastels and talking about your lenses and shutter speed go ahead. Be good to have a comment from the man himself (Uge) instead of his hipster mates getting their backs up about the site’s artistic features.
This is what the websites said that bothered to get out of the car this morning – “While most Sydneysiders are seeking shelter from the torrential rains, or wondering when the Ark will float by to collect them, those of us who surf are wondering what we can do to clear the diary and go surfing. The entire Sydney area is being blessed with clean lines of swell and offshore winds, sure it’s pouring with rain, but who cares when you have such great waves.”
Hey Sun Lover, has your website been down on unique visitors laterly? I guess it’s worth a punt, slagging the original and try to get some publicity for your copy cat site. But seriously if you are such a hard charger ( 3ft Manly in the rain?) perhaps less time in front of the keyboard and more time in the ocean hey? I will stick to typing away at my desk, looking at these lovely pastel pictures! When the sun comes out, I will get out my 10’6″ McTavish, but only after a Soy Latte.
Thanks Andre’. My website is actually doing fine – it lets people such as yourself find companionship online after a “heavy sesh” on your foamie, far from the embarressment of being laughed at by most of the beach. I beleive the websites referred to above do ok also, even without pastel nuffies such as yourself.
Thanks SL, can you send me link, I will set up a profile at Sun Loving Single Surfers; “Pastel loving Nuffy” looking friendship, and anything goes, so long as you love Soy Latte’s. he he
Uge? are you there buddy?
Geez you bunch of moaners… where’s the gratitude for our man Uge who’s been bringing magnificent surf photography for FREE to our inboxes and web browers for well over a decade?
That said, if you do want him to get out and shoot more in the rain more, here’s what you do: go to the Aquabumps gallery, buy a print or two, write out your request on the back of the receipt, and give it to the person working behind the counter.
I’m sure that will get his attention.
Dont be a douche Charles… Uge does pretty alright financially by Aquabumps am sure.
Carn Uge, you have to let people have their say… let the postings up. It is a forum after all.
agreed. seriously mate you gotta let people post their messages
Realsurf was the original AK – I only check aquabumps for the pretty pics. It’s not a surf report. It’s a: ‘look at what i get to do with my life you office mugs’ site. Uge, i’m sure you are a very friendly businessman and i like the way you can help we that are practicing the art of procrastination have a daily visit to dreamland. Just don’t forget that addicts turn to violence and crime when you take their drugs away.
You are correct Bubba, Realsurf was the original surf report website, but the content was and still is, poor. It’s all about content, man. I like Frothers too, but I think Ugene was the first to send an email. I do love your last statement…to funny…probably lots of grumpy surfer dudes with all this rain. loving the chat…..from the pastel loving McTavish riders (like myself) to hard core surf staved junkies.
Interesting posts…. whenever I get ‘customer complaints” in my biz I always like to check if the complaining customer has actually spent any money…. as that defines being a real customer.
Conditions that allow great surfing, do not always intersect with conditions that allow for great photography as Visability and surf-ability are different things.
That said – its funny as hell to see Uge getting caned on line…. I am sure he is keen to see exactly what elements of his entirely free to 50,000 people service is missing the mark.
PS Drive a jeep, and cant surf for shit – ain’t a hipster or mates with Uge
Hi everyone,
Been in a full day photo geek conference and 1st time online and there is a riot on my hands. Too funny…
Firstly thanks for all the feedback. Love it. I think it’s great that you guys are so into my site that you take the time to comment ( for those that say I havent published their comments I have no idea what you’re talking about)
If you really want to know I had a 45 min window to shoot today…not enough to find any waves and it was pitch black. I shot pics as i have done for 13 years…but they were horrible.I had the opportunity to shoot slater at lunchtime, as the waves are good and hes in town…but have something on all day…. So don’t worry, I will shoot great waves and surfing for you all tomorrow.
I will refund all your subscription fees this week. Cheques in the mail.
Chill out, spend less time being angry at the keyboard and go surfing please…
:: uge
Faaark Uge, can mediate a battle. Good bloke!
“I will refund all your subscription fees this week. Cheques in the mail.”
Luv it…classic
Geez a flame war on Aquabumps!!! Well I never.
Even the most basic photo snapper knows that light is required and there was bugger all of that this morning.
Lug expensive DSLR equipment in torrential rain…. must try that sometime. NOT!
Use the waterproof housing fitted with a wide angle lens for beach shots… NAH!
No sun is making everyone crazy. Lighten up peeps. Sunshine is coming
how goods this!
all you hipster sydney siders complaining about the rain and poor/good surf. up here in Darwin, crocs and stingers and NO surf! you guys are funny!
Looks like the waterlogged east coast is going mad…..good niggle.
Run for Mayor ooogie.