The southerly is still howling and making a mess of anything resembling a wave this morning.
If you’re surfing today, you need to get a job. 2-3 foot wind slush wasn’t enough to get me in the water.
It’s cooler today. Top of 20 degrees. Rain will come and go, I hope the wind goes soon and summer arrives.
The Aquabumps Gallery is open all weekend (no kiddin’, just like the past 8 years). We’re behind the Bondi Hotel, next door to the TAB and Video shop. All you need on 1 block in Bondi.
Seeya, : : uge
Your Lizmania shot is amazingly life affirming. Love it.
I literally LOL’d at the cockatoo shot – love it!
yeah – kung-fu cockatoo
Haha yeah, cockatoos have the funniest little personalities !
Hi Eugene,
I recently joined your following and am enjoying the art. I live on the top floor of the original Astra building at the front overlooking the beach. As you take so many shots and probably looking for different perspectives, if you have not used this angle before perhaps you would like to contact me to see if it suits your purpose.
Your famous!
Brilliant photographs!
Site sent me by my son, who is loving it in Sydney……we are starting the winter period in UK, so really wish we were there!!!!!