This freezing, howling wind has blown all the swell out to sea by the looks of it. Bondi at 6:10am didn’t even break – Lake Bondi. However, by 8:00am I saw a ‘wave’ every 15 minutes…then at 9:10am there’s a little something to sample – 1 to 2 foot, breaking nice on the left. Could be tidal. Could just be a mini pulse.
Tomorrow afternoon it should come back (please Huey). Pray for swell.
So you’re looking for things to do…check out Stab’s night surfing video (hot), My brothers had a party on the weekend – do you think they could have any more people at their joint? (in Singapore), how about checking out local film genius Rob Norman’s snow vids Rip Raw
Ah yes, we’ve been having technical problems lately…yep I know. Emails coming in late, slow etc. Basically there is too many of you and our image heavy email is choking our server. So we’ve chumped the server up and working on a solution…thank you for your patience. No really…today should be much better.
Out :: uge
wow! that night surf video is splendid work
i lived at bondi for 20 years my dad had a hamburger shop there and i never seen it so flat, alwys small. top photo good work as always
i check it every day for the memories
Reckon there was an extra tint in the sunrise from that ash cloud this morning? Certainly felt it….
nah its because of the residual radiation in the atmosphere from Fukushima and the soon to melt down plants in America
Thanks for the images. I don’t know what I’d do if I couldn’t see Bondi like this. Living in Perth for 22 years sucks (next to no surf). Coming back to see my mum and will be (hopefully) having a wave. I still maintain my membership of Bondi Surf Bathers’ Life Saving Club (45 years now). Catch me @getmysurfboard
3p.m. … Just got out of the water at south end. Offshore still blowing, some razor sharp small waves. Nice left hander down there – 1 to 2 ft, occasional bigger one. Taj in the water. He even gave me a wave! Must be a nice bloke or took pity on me because I’m an old bugger. Bondi can be a pain in the arse but love it on these small but almost perfect winter days when you get the tide and wind just right.
Hey Uge,
Winter solstice was this morning, at 3.17 am AEST according to my googling. That shot of the sunrise behing Ben Buckler will now start to come back south from here on.
Man I hate those daylight hours shortening. Heads up everyone. Those seasonal affective disorder sufferers (pretty much everyone, although few realise it) will start to improve from here on in.
great photos as always uge……tilt/shift or lensbaby or photoshop in the ‘wetsuits’ shot?
i shred at taking photos your not as good as me, i have an iphone which is 5mp….
@ Ben – been drinking?
@Nigel – all my effects are done in camera with lenses – not afterwards. Thanks buddy
@Zuma – yeah I heard there is a little bump in the corner, I’ve been watching it grow all day long – getting dark, so I don’t think I’ll squeeze a surf in today
@Greg – Perth’s not that bad – get a boat and go to Rotto, Strickos rocks. I love that joint. Love shooting there also.
@COl – Hmmm has been 2 bangin’ sunrises in a row – ash cloud maybe? Anyone know?
Thanks everyone, enjoy the pics and have a good day. :: uge
Yes Ice rink is arriving on Friday and all should be up and running by 5pm on the 30th.
Going to be here all night to get it flat for tmrw. Got the bug lights up may be some night time surfers.
Come check it out.
The night surfing video is great – though note it was filmed in a wave pool – not the ocean. Lots of digital effects are at work.
Greatest session of my life so far was a moonlight surf around midnight at Pleasure Point in Santa Cruz in Feb 2006.
thats a bitch and the pits.
I once heard of this dude that was pretty good with cyber stuff. his addy was (
maybe aim or one of the first. any way he might cpyld help. wish i could. i love
y bumps man. thanks as always brp.
Wow. Nice and beautiful photos. i miss you bondi, i miss yo swim in that lake.
Regards from Spain
Se ya