Hey there, the first few sets of this brand spankin’ new south swell has started to roll up into the bay of Bondi. What a welcome sight. 2 foot, occasionally 3 footers but reasonably consistent. Nice little right tucked up in the corner and some golden morning light to defrost you. The surf is only going to get bigger from here on…peaking Friday night…but plenty of waves to be had in the next few days – thankfully she’s a long weekend – good one to get out of town.
Yesterday I offended some people with my ignorance, sorry. It was an Antarctic Blitz not Arctic Blitz as we live in the southern hemisphere. Sorry about that smart people.
Jhiymy 2 hats
You might know him as Jhiymy Mhiyles, Bondi Caveman, Jimmy 2 Hats or Peter James Paul Millhouse – I’ve never known anyone to have so many names. He is the 55 year old that squatted for a decade in the cliffs of South Bondi and featured in many of my shots. Well on a steamy Melbourne Cup day back in 2009 he was arrested for having sexual intercourse without consent of a woman…since that day, he’s been held in custody awaiting trial (long time)…his ocean side pad packed up…and that was that. On the 31st May Judge Peter Zahra was told the rape case would not proceed by the DPP. Millhouse still faces charges of resisting arrest though…
Over and out :: uge
Thanks for the Caveman update. I was out walking along south headland that night, about the same time of the alleged attack – and distinctly remember the most bizarre full red moon suspended over the sea-side horizon. It was quite a sight.
Ive just started to subscribe to the daily shot of Bondi morning pics and its FANTASTIC! I live and work in Hong Kong and get little reprieve from the concrete and steel environment. I load my favorite shot each morning as wall paper so I can at least see some waves. My mum and dad lived on Ben Buckler so as a kid I spent many summer days hanging out down on the beach. Great memories revisited every day! Thanks and keep up the good work!
The word “arctic” can also be used in a colloquial fashion when speaking (or writing) about very cold weather. So you were quite correct in using it, notwithstanding the pedants.
The word “arctic” can be used as a colloquial adjective in ordinary speech and writing when referring to very cold weather, so you were quite right in using it, notwithstanding the pedants.
I love your pics.
But your copy is terrible. Keep it to a minimun if possible.
Smart people’s representative.
‘planking’ – great shot Uge.. looks like something out of an Xmen movie..
a little quiet on the water on the northern beaches today, but we can still dream of waves like last weekend…at least the sun is out.
Jimmy 2 Hats. Terrible sad business. I know probably not the forum though the song by Billy Bragg, rotting on remand springs to mind. 2.5 years of incarceration very sad.
Hi ar, I agree…best keep copy to a minimum as it’s never been my strength.
Looks like you have a few copy issues as well! ha! uge
Is it just me or it sounds like the council set him up just to find an excuse to move him on. It was just before ‘Sculptures by the sea’ began, and having him there was an obvious eyesore to this event. I’m just asking and throwing this out there for debate.
hello Uge, you know I love your work, but the shot called Plume in today’s update is definitely one of my favourites ever…hope you’re well. keep up the great work!
Terrible copy?! Really?! I don’t think so. Sharp and always something different, I read it everyday as it adds context to the photos. Please keep it up Uge, ’cause there is at least one fan of your copy out here 🙂
Hi Tam – thanks for that – yeah, can’t be doing something TOO wrong if 40-50,000 tune in daily, and 65% said in our latest survey said they read my ramble. But hey, some people like copy with out slang, without typos, and 100% factual…me, I like it casual.
Sully – thanks man, me like Plume shot as well. Great winter light at the moment.
And yes, about Bondi Caveman, it is suss that he got evicted, charged etc all pretty quikly and been held for – what – 14 months awaiting trial?
Cheers, uge
copy – great
shots – great
maths – not so much (nov 09 would have been 20 months ago)
ar = derison
hey uge
ive herd the swells picking up is this true because my want want to go for the early and if this is true i dont know how in going to get any sleep tonight
sorry about that idiotic message. that was ed. the guy with the disproportionate head who rides a shit old sky, badly.
Ar, *minimum. Heaps awkward for you, hey.
Love your work Uge, I read the ramble and I appreciate the photos all the more. Cheers!
great photos
great copy
great website
= awesome
I think “rapture” would be a better title than “planking” but there you go! Your copy is good Uge, thanks for the emails. I miss bondi (although Margs isn’t too bad a place to live)
So where is today’s shots?? Reasons for them being late…
Surfs pumping and Uge is surfing?
Up or down the coast looking for perfection?
IT Technical difficulties?
Under tow got him?
He has moved to Jimmy’s cave?
Pick your favourite 🙂
Down the south coast – just uploading now. uge