Monday, Sept 17, 2007

Bulla. Today’s Aquabumps comes from one of the most stunning islands in the world – Namotu in Fiji oohhh yeah. This tiny 4 hectares of paradise lies next door to one of the world’s best waves – the almighty Cloud Break, arena for the one of the ASP world tour stops in 2006. Namotu takes around 7 minutes to walk around the island – you could kick a footie across the middle of it. It’s owned by an aussie guy called Scottie, his wife and two Labradors. You can fit about 20 guests, and the island has exclusive rights to a 200 metre left right out the front. Not a bad set up.

Fiji has the clearest water in the world – full stop. Visibility is just off the hook. And blue…my gawd. So blue. So blue it looks fake. Pity about the waves today…’cause it’s barely breaking and a few are already getting stuck into the cocktails. Apparently swell coming Wednesday.

It seems Bondi suffers the same fate as Fiji – no waves. I hear weak 1 footers from the NE today. Tomorrow should pick up a bit with a new south swell poking around the 3 foot mark…and that looks like the best day of the whole week as it shrinks back to 2 foot from Wednesday onwards.

Have a great day. Vinaka. ::Uge

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