::Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Bondi – flat.
Pancakes today. Nothing to surf (or shoot). Do something else, mow the lawn, fix dings, work up brownie points with your girl (or boy).


  • Thusday – flat like today
  • Friday – Waves pick up slightly to 2 foot, small.
  • Saturday same as Friday
  • Sunday decent 3 footers at south facing wave magnets.

Don’t forget surf movies at North Bondi RSL tomorrow night (Thurs 5th August). 7:30pm: The Innermost Limits (shot by George Greenbough) , 8:30pm: Morning of the Earth (70’s surf fick). $5 for both movies – bargain. More info, see Aquabumps notice board.

Don’t forget www.snowbumps.com

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