Wake Up

I’ve seen a lot of sunrises over the past 15 years of doing this Aquabumps thing. More than an Ibiza DJ that’s for sure.

4 days in a row have been pretty magic down the beach, think ya better wake up early tomorrow.

The colours were insane. Shame we don’t have incredible waves to match.

I can’t see any swell until Sunday…so come down for a swim!

Fruitman Sam (AKA Gav) is delivering healthy fruit and vege right to your door from the markets. He wakes up early than I, drives out to the markets out west and gets the freshest produce for us all to enjoy. He’s a local Bronte surfer and we like to keep him busy out of the water (Wave hog)…hungry? Call 0420 906 061


Fire water, Bondi this morning

Flying in the Bondi clouds

Wave of the day, Frenchy Frederic Point

Swimmer cam hues, Bodni 6:20am

Patience required, Bondi 7:30am

The Chaci

Sunrise Swim

4 thoughts on “Wake Up

  1. Is it just me or does ‘Flying in the Bondi clouds’ remind you of that scene in the Big Lebowski where the nihilists are flushingThe Dude’s head down the toilet.

  2. If you look *really* hard at Wave of The Day you can see a couple of surfers in the background… 😉

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