Wednesday Folds

It was a pretty stock-standard Bondi morning with 2-3ft waves, shallow banks, decent rips, large crowds and patchy sunrise light.

The tide is low around 5 am, making most waves break straight, opportunityless. Kinda frustrating to be honest.

It looks like a light northerly is feathering but not having much impact on the surf quality.

As I write this riveting copy at 1:40 pm, it looks fun, a bit small for my liking, but worthy of a longboard/beginner paddle.

As you were,

:: uge

yes, we do Gift Cards

Byrnn, got this one right in the pocket


Alex, always happy, never wears a wetty


When the light strikes


My little guy is getting big


Fresh dunk in the ocean to wake up

If only it was a bit bigger


Joel, morning foggy dance


Icebergs, all gold


Occasionally the light came thru


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