Happy Friday! Downtime is a great opportunity to work on some images that have been hiding in the terabyte stack at HQ. Here’s a little picture show to distract you in your day, stuff I’ve been working on, some really random stuff…in a typical non-lockdown day I’d shoot around 200-500 images in a morning sess. You only see 10-12 in the daily – so there’s plenty leftover.
I hope you’re all being mega productive, at home, staying apart, doing your bit (or bingeing on a good series). Have you seen Tall Poppy: A Skater’s Story? It’s all about Bondi local Poppy Starr Olsen’s competitive skateboarding career which has led her to this Olympics (She’s the only Aussie gal to represent Australia). I’ve watched her skate Bondi bowls since she was 8…she’s a legend in and out of the ramps. My little tykes worship her. The doco was meant to launch in the cinemas, but hey, that’s not happening… so order it online and watch it at home. Support independent filmmakers!
Project Blank Wetsuits are fully stocked and shipping daily. My kids love their suits and so does wifey. I love the prices.
Stay positive, test neg.
:: uge