It’s a little small yet surfable this morning. Remnants of a couple swells are putting on the odd shoulder high wave at Bondi.
The sun is trying to fight its way through scattered clouds as it heats up to a mild 23 degrees.
The onshore SE winds will swing around to the NE later today – that will clean up the conditions.
No significant swells on the radar for a week which is pretty typical of summer.
Christmas orders in our gallery are in full swing. Xmas is only 1 month away. If you’re overseas and want some of our artworks or books – you need to kick start into gear as it takes time to hand craft artworks and send them around the globe. Or perhaps go for a Gift Card (easy!)
Seeya :: uge
After all the years I’ve been surfing Bondi this is the first time I’ve ever made it onto the Aquabumps site. So chuffed!! :)) Heading to the gallery tomorrow to buy a print!
ben thats because uge shoots the same 5 guys over and over
yeah dont you dare critisiise something thats put into a public forum Barry. This is for team fantastic bondi lifestylers only!
chill it Barry.
what is it with forums and people getting fired up? #keyboardcourage
ha Barry’s jimmies have officially been ruffled