In stark contrast to yesterday the conditions have deteriorated considerably overnight. The south change hit late and Sydney’s oceans are still agitated from it. The waves have halved to 3 footers and were very messy early… should improve as the day progresses as the grooming northerly winds kick in.
But how good was yesterday…Sydney was blessed with one of the best surf days in quite some time. Unfortunately the swell heights drop again for the weekend…unlucky office jockeys, it’s only going to be 2 foot.
Lara Bingle’s Pool party
Ashley Osborne (depicted in today’s swimmercam) and ‘Where-the-hell-are-ya’ Lara Bingle will be having a pool party tomorrow at Surf Dive ’n’ ski, Bondi Junga (12:30pm Saturday 8th November). Everyone is welcome to join in, so maybe shopping in the junction this weekend isn’t such a bad idea – surf doesn’t look flash?
Aquabumps Gallery Open
We are open all weekend 10am to 4pm as usual. I would like to say we’ve also got Lara Bingle and Ashley serving Gallery customers all day, but I would be lying. 98 Brighton Boulevard North Bondi NSW 2026 Telephone 9130 8371.
Just wanted to comment on your Fri 7th Nov 7:10am photo of swimmercam.
I think the word “WOW!” sums it up just fine.
Very artistic Eugene
Swimmercam = yummmmmmmm chocolate!!
wow! i watched this shoot this morning – love the Bikinis! where can i buy from?
Swimmercam…I’m speechless…
Great shot – love it!
crikey, she is hot! I love Bondi
I definitely would……
let this be a leeson to all the ladies yet to brave the water. yeeeows!
YOUCH! Hot damn. I hate myself right now.
UGE, you better start snapping off pics of old, hairy men in budgies before someone accuses your ‘swimmercam’ series as sexist! NICE pic…
I agree…love the bikini.. where can we get it?
Swimmer cam subject yummmmm binski.
Pretty, I’m from Barcelona, now is winter here and a photo like this…. mmmm!!!
Chopparoo – you get the bikinis from Surf Dive and Ski Bondi Junction. Thanks
PS – she’s a Miss World Contender from Newcastle.
Love that swimwear!