You don’t have to be a swell forecasting genius to work out there’s good waves today. I rate it. Not only is this south swell continuing to pump 3-4 footers into Bondi after declining overnight, we’ve got great light under perfectly clear skies and a forecast for all day offshores. The only deterrent I can foresee is the early morning chill (7 at 7), but once you’re in the water it’s a deluxe 19 degrees. Loads of places would have a fun wave…especially those beaches facing south. High tide 10:15am, low tide 3:40pm, water 19, land max 17 degrees. South west winds all day. Swell will drop a gear again tomorrow. Adios::uge

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Long story, but I am looking for photos taken on the morning of June 14th 2006 with a sunrise or sunset feel. Were these photos 100% guaranteed taken on this day?