Bondi 6:30am – tiny, weak, overcast, sloppy
What’s that…rain? Haven’t seen that stuff in a while. Hopefully
some of it is reaching our damns. Surf – what’s that? Haven’t seen
that in a while either… a dire week ahead with very little forecasted
in the surf department. You’d struggle to find a wave over your
knee…so best find something else to do this week – like kickin’
that tin can down the street. Wednesday and Friday should be fine
weather this week…showers for the other days. Twenty-5 & sunny
on Wednesday… beach day.
Couldn’t find anything of interest to shoot this morning
under grey skies – resorted to my bottomless pit of Indonesian gold
which should be more appealing.
The ASP tour is hitting France at the moment with
$270,000 up for grabs amongst the best 45 surfers in the world.
Website Kelly Slater is currently leading
the world tour closely followed by Andy Irons and then Mick Eugene
Have a great week…::uge