<Start Indo Satellite transmission>
Waves have been as good as waves get. We’ve spent
the last 3 days anchored at the best right in the area, and then
the best left. These waves would have to be the most photographed
waves in the world (outside Hawaii)…as they consistently work
like a machine. You’d recognize them in most surf flicks nowadays.
Waves aren’t big (like 3 foot), but pretty perfectly shaped and
loads of fun. Wind has been pretty much non-existent and as always
the water is balmy all day long. Water clarity has been incredible.
Stoked – have loads of cool underwater shots. Have absolutely no
idea what the conditions are like back in Sydney. Actually have
no idea at all what has been happening in Australia for that matter.
Not much contact with the outside world here. It’s sooo remote.
Had intentions of writing some amazing facts of Mentawai…but my
batteries have fallen out. <End Indo Satellite
Later ::Ugios
Sunday, September 11, 2005