Morning swim. Bondi, 6:00am


I like taking pictures. I reckon you’d gathered that by now. Taking pictures gets me up early, before most…and drags me down the beach. Some mornings are better than others down there. Today was one of the better ones.

I swam before sunrise with the camera in tow. It’s like dragging a bowling ball around with me. The water was silky smooth without a breath of wind. Real nice. Good little left in the middle. It just wasn’t very big (waist high). Superb morning to just be out there.

Later doozies :: uge

Bondi 5:50am, paddling into the sunrise

Glassy left

Shorey sparks

Mystery man

The hungry pack, waiting for a set

Bondi, slippery shorey



4 thoughts on “Early

  1. I adore your work! Truly amazing, Im only young and starting out in photography! I have done few early morning starts at Bondi when I’m down there. Any tips you can give me? Do you shoot within the water? Waterproof camera of protector? 🙂 thanks

  2. Uge, what lens/camera combo were you shooting with this morning? Is it just a tight focal length with a macro lens and great lighting conditions? These photos look amazing, and appear to me slightly different than most you post. Whatever it is keep doing it, they look great.

    Wrightsville Beach, NC, USA

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