Some days it takes me a while to come up with my two paragraphs that sum up the morning. I get distracted a lot, trawl the web for inspiration and hours pass by…I find myself on google earth scoping out new isolated point breaks in Indo or drinking too much java.
Today 2 words sum up the morning. CRACKER + SUNRISE.
The colours were unbelievable, the water warm, the surf lame but doable. ENJOY!
It’s February and you’ve just come down from silly season. Time for a health kick. Sam the Fruitman will deliver a box of fresh fruit and veg to your door …BINGO! Dial these digits 0420 906 061 for immediate delivery at 50% off for Aquabumps readers! See
You’re on fire today, Uge
Insane Uge, was gonna have a chat but you were running for your flippers like you were going to miss the the sunrise
its me
yew im in two of them
Hugo. you’re probably saying right at that minute ‘Really want to get another Photo’.
Beautiful as usual.
I am french, living in Paris, and I enjoy every day having an email from you in my mail box. I start each day at work dreaming of surf and beaches!!!
Thank you!
Sophie F
absoloutley smashing photos youre my idol i love you with all my heart and soul
Wow Nathan…pretty sure that is too far? Session complete..sick pic! Who are the lads? Attractive much?!