🇬🇷 Milos – Μήλος

Crazy, I know, but I am back in Europe (Part II). This time, in the Aegean Sea on a tiny volcanic paradise island called Milos. Unlike its neighbouring islands of the Cyclades (Mykonos, Santorini), Milos isn’t all about partying. It’s mellow…no $500 lobster pastas on the menu, few superyachts and less bling.

The beaches here aren’t as structured as other areas of Europe. Haven’t really seen those beach clubs extorting 75 Euro ($120AUD) to just sit on the beach and access is a little rough most of the time…like Tsigrado Beach, where you scale a steep ladder and cliff to access a tiny cove.

Before you hit reply and write “You must shoot Sarakiniko Beach – with its famous white rock cliffs and turquoise water”…I know, ah-huh, I am on it, it’s on the target list – but it’s currently hoooooowwling 30 knots of onshore there…so the protected southern beaches are the go, for now.

Milos has a very colourful past from being a pirate haven to housing famous sculptures like the marble Aphrodite (which is now in the Louvre Museum in Paris). Being a volcanic island, forged from fire, the island is full of minerals and unusual stones and glass. They’ve been mining the island for centuries and it still continues today.

I hear the surf is on the cook back home – hit it. :: uge

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Volcanic rock formations at Firiplaka Beach


Good shade in the caves! Tsigrado Beach, Milos


Needs a left and right wrapping this rock.


Just like our Tamarama lifeguard tower


The beach with the ladder. Tsigrado Beach, Milos


Only way in, Tsigrado Beach, Milos


Rock stacks, everywhere


Really nice beach, Firiplaka Beach


Firiplaka Beach, Milos. Chilled


The view from Plaka


5 thoughts on “🇬🇷 Milos – Μήλος

  1. Great shots Uge. You really have crafted and shaped a pretty sweet life for yourself and your family by turning your back on the 8-6 cubicle and following your passion. We could all take a lesson from that! Kudos to you!

  2. Uge, you must visit Blue Bay on Poliegos Island. Its only a short ride from Milos but you will not be disappointed. Ask the locals…

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