Yesterday arvo the swell came up big. Some waves broke extremely far out, bang in the middle of the Bondi bay. We could have cuddled the shark buoy; we were that far out.
How big? 6 foot with the odd more significant set. Good? Hmm, debatable; some mates snagged a few, but it wasn’t that regular. You had to hunt and get lucky. Most pushed in onto that sandy shelf, which is a bit of meat grinder, wanting to snap your new stick. The strange sand movements are attributed to all the recent bulldozing (Maybe?), but then again, Bondi’s never really great in anything overhead high.
Twenty-six degrees, pleasant now, but showers could happen later.
I’ve become a sauna junkie, now I’ve got one at home. Nimbus is offering $500 off a sauna for the AB readers. Check it
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