When I was a kid, we’d surf Bali a lot. I can remember one day we saw an empty a-frame on the outer Kuta Reef, and 3 of us frothed out there – thinking we scored (everywhere else was packed).
It was pumping and broke in the same spot consistently – 800 metres from the beach. The swell would ledge up and bubble, and we’d catch it – without the crowd. So stoked! Until a local came out to warn us, we were surfing an offshore tidal sewage outlet! Whaaat? We spent the evening in the over-chlorinated pool bar trying to disinfect ourselves whilst sipping Araks to kill any internal bugs. It worked. Araks, that is.
It kinda reminds me of surfing in Sydney at the moment! Not ideal, I know. Yesterday I ran a poll on Instagram – 75% said they would not enter the water right now due to the flood pollution on our beaches. Clever.
ESE onshore winds 9 knots with chest-high junkie waves weren’t worth the risk. Bigger tomorrow. Pretty sure it’s gonna rain on Wednesday. Boo!
We are hiring!
In our Bondi Gallery, we’re looking for casual, weekend sales staff to help find artworks for our glorious customers. Read this job description and apply should you feel you are the one!
Free Shipping – Aust-wide Artworks
The dirty water must be making me delirious or something as I launch our latest ridiculously attractive Autumn promotion – FREE SHIPPING AUST-WIDE for artworks under $3950AUD. Now you probably thinking – big deal, but say you’re in Perth, Radelaide, Melbs, Brisvegas – that’s a saving of hundreds of dollars. Just use this code “Sendit” when checking out online to receive your freebie shipping. Explanation video
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We are hiring casual weekend staff