A Beach Day

Sunny, light winds, 27 degrees. Put the out of office on and hit the beach.

Waves, yeah them too, saw a few waist to shoulder high sets. Plenty of crew skipping work for a paddle.

We’ve currently raised $3,804.48 for SurfAid, our main charity here at Aquabumps. Our target this year is $20,000. I would like to thank the 52 exceptionally brilliant, good-looking, Aquabumps readers that have donated. Thank you. I only beg for a donation once a year, as Aquabumps has entered a surf team in the SurfAid Cup, to be held at Bondi early next month. For the other 39,987 readers of this email, I’d appreciate it if you could spare a few bucks, to help the impoverished people of remote Indonesia where I often surf and shoot. DONATE NOW

:: uge

Santina, North Bondi Ramp swims


Fishing boat red


Never a dull moment down at Bondi.




Fishing club paint job

North Bondaka


A beach day! Go for a swim


North Bondi SLSC


Flat rock dance


Oh, and there's waves today!


2 thoughts on “A Beach Day

  1. Dear Uge,
    I’m a Sydney girl – born and raised in Carramar. We were poor but happy – I was only ever fully alive on weekends when my darling Dad would take us to surf at any and all of Sydney’s glorious beaches.
    My Dad died when I was 17.
    By the time I was 22 we were still really poor, so I dragged my family across the continent to Perth for a fresh start, sadly leaving our extended family behind.

    My heart remained behind in Sydney though – I’ve been homesick for the last 35 years, and have missed my extended family terribly. Most of my trips back home to Sydney are for funerals these days.

    We’ve had a good life in Perth, but it has all been for naught – after 4 years of unemployment for me, and the loss of my husband’s business to the greed of the mortgage booking industry, I am about to lose my home.

    When my beloved auntie and godmother passed away in January, I could not afford to attend her funeral – my kids paid for me to get there. When her husband – my uncle – passes away in a few weeks or months from now from a broken heart, I will miss his funeral.
    By then, there’s a good chance that I, too, will be homeless.

    I’m a newcomer to the aquabumps community, having I joined just recently – it was a daily blessing in my inbox.
    But not today. I’m one of the 39987 readers who haven’t donated to the impoverished islanders who live in Indonesia where you work and surf – when you’re not living and working in Bondi, or globe trotting to gorgeous, idyllic locations, also to work.

    I wish I could help you out.
    I wish I could help out the people around me here in Perth, who are already impoverished and homeless. I wish I could help myself., and support myself, and pay my bills.
    If I had “a few bucks”, Uge, I may have had dinner tonight, rather than having a night off.

    Uge, I realise that you’ve worked hard for the privilege of travelling the world to work, and to then have the even bigger thrill of COMING HOME TO LIVE & WORK in BONDI.
    You have the best post code in the whole of Australia!
    However, please don’t chastise those of us who cannot keep up with you.

    Perhaps it’s my bad – I realise now that your blog isn’t about the Bondi community – it’s about the Bondi lifestyle – and that I don’t fit into your target demographic.
    ‘DONATE NOW’ – I’m sorry, I’d love to, but I can’t; but I object to you shaming me for it.

  2. ….sooo that’s a no from Julie.
    After all you’ve been through (if the story you tell actually carries truth) it’s unfortunate you perceive such a light hearted comment to ‘chastise’ the less fortunate. You may be angry at the world but if you smile, you might just ‘help’ those around you without shedding a single cent.

    Positivity can come from adversity, Julie.

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