G’day from W.A.! The mining boom might be over, and sleepy old Perth has quietened down, but the place still blows my mind for raw beauty. I was born here…but spent most of my life on the East Coast. I haven’t returned home for many, many years, so I went and checked out some of my old hangs. Top of the list – ROTTO. Who doesn’t love this little island paradise? It’s where I learnt to swim, surf reef breaks and guzzle Emu Bitter from a funnel.
Today the island is deserted in its offseason. All I could find is surfers enjoying a new swell and offshore winds. Stricko looked 3 foot (and busy), and it was 3-5 foot right out the west end – but no one surfs there anymore due to the fear of men in grey suits. (Except for Luke)
I’m about to board a flight outta here…I’ll be back soon.
:: uge
Hey Eug your scored a great day at Rotto, thanks for the snaps – too good!!!!!
Frickin awesome, Uge…never been there but I think it’s time! Once again you have given us some jawdroppin’ pics!