Reason # 1 - the beach. Our 900 metres of sand sure is real pretty
I’m lucky enough to travel to some pretty amazing places these days. I’ve seen a lot – but Bondi is still home. We may not have world class epic waves but there’s a nice balance between beach and working life when living in 2026.
Today’s daily email highlights 12 reasons why I’m into Bondi so much – and why I have been shooting there, daily…for nearly 16 years.
I will be back in the ‘hood shooting soon.
:: uge
P.S. The devil wind is back in Hawaii. It’s howling onshore today

Reason # 2 - Icebergs. Features in so many of my shots. Love that place

Reason # 3 - The Community. Everyone is friendly

Reason # 4 - the crowds - love the energy of the place on a busy beach day peak summer

Reason # 5 - The light. It's awesome in the mornings. Love the golds.

Reason # 6 - Sunrises. My favourite time of day down at Bondi. Colours are insane

Reason # 7 - The convenience. Ride a pushie from work to home and then to the beach!

Reason # 8 - The waves. Bondi consistently has something to surf

Reason # 9 - The Weather. Not to hot, not too cold. Just right most of the year

Reason # 10 - The Colours

Reason # 11 - The recent abundance of decent food and amenities

Reason # 12 - The Arts
nice uge!
I’ve never lived in Bondi but whenever I visit I love that it hasn’t gone the way of the gold coast which it so easily could have. It still retains its village feel and is pretty raw and rustic too.
I don’t know how you can shoot the same place for so many years and keep the photos so fresh, well done.
Stoked to have my ‘Arts’ Featured again Uge. You Legend!
Hey K-Ron, is that your artwork? Can you get in touch with me, or can someone connect us? My email is harryx5@gmx.com.
No Worries Harry,
Sent you an e-mail.
You forgot to mention all the celebrities, like myself. I’m a famous artist/fashionista, but you already knew that right.
Ciao have to run my agents out front.
Homesick Uge?
Good reasons to come home! We miss you on our “home beach” and look forward to your return. It’s getting lighter later now but there have been some beautiful sunrises. My old Cap’n cap has retired after being worn for almost 40 years. The replacement is not as nice! Safe travels and see you soon.
Selection of incredible shots Uge
I came over to you at the grassy knoll to thank you for the enjoyment I get from your photos when I am far away home in Spain, and you cheekily shot me and put me on your next day´s blog! I just could not believe the reaction – so many comments not only from my kids and friends in Bondi but from friends all over, the news spread like a bushfire! Thank you for featuring a visiting oldie fan, you really made my day!
Cheers from Jan in a very cold Spain!