Bush fires always seem to create interesting sunrises. There’s stuff in the air from smoke that illuminates at the right times of day. Bondi was looking it’s best at 5:40am. Hope you saw it.
The waves were OK. Bigger than micro-yesterday. Most waves were closing out on shallow straight banks but worthy of a shred. I am hoping it will get bigger later today. They say tomorrow might even be head high. That would be nice – wouldn’t it?
Those 13 surfboard auctions that I have on Ebay are closing today and tomorrow. Some real bargains in there to be had…see all auctions
: : u g e
A fade??? You mean a drop in…
…. you mean a double drop in!! more drops than fat freddy!
It’s alright he’s on a mal, they have permission to do whatever they want!!!!
Henson…handsome, he looks like a really nice guy…
the future? more like one of the kids from royal tenenbaums