We seem to be having an epic run of sunny weather.
Same thing is happening in New Zealand. Queenstown was remarkably mild and I saw someone wearing thongs and t-shirt in Dunedin last week. Now that’s a big deal.
It’s good to be home with fresh eyes after a week out of town. New Zealand is stunning, but we live in a great place too!
I forget how active the mornings are around here. I try and explain this to people overseas – yep, Aussies get up early and exercise like maniacs. Thousands of people up at 6am today. Carpe diem!
There are NO waves. Forget surfing until tomorrow where a little bump may arrive.
Later : : u g e
The Mr Kowalski shot is wonderful. The angle of the board flat on the water surface running along parallel to the top of the wave at some pace is classic – love it – no waves but magic atmosphere – glad you loved NZ, glad you are back shooting Bondi – AJ
guess what you missed? nothing. it was flat the whole time. its flat today and will be flat tomnorrow. worst August ever surely