Lost in Paradise, Bronte


Well…it’s been better. As in better waves and better weather. It hasn’t stopped raining for hours and your vehicle is gettin’ a free wash today.

I saw junkie waves around head high, sometimes bigger – but the ocean needs to calm down, so does the wind. It’s no Keramas out there…that’s for sure.

Enjoy the weekend. It’s going to rain until Monday. I recommend watching the latest series of Mad Men thrown in with a batch of Game of Thrones.

:: u g e

Apartments, Bronte

Bronte 8am, Caleb blowing out the seagulls

Sam Reid from 3 Blue ducks

Point splash

Caleb and Sam Reid heading out to Bronte

11 thoughts on “I N D O O R S

  1. No mention of watching the Lions beat the Wallabies in the second test, as part of your what to do this weekend Uge? Shame on you…..

      1. and I thought you were a man of the world….give your eyes a treat, promises to be carnage. You guys one down in the series…DO or DIE!

  2. I always enjoy receiving my daily dose of Bondi emails from Aquabumps. They always cheer me up. However I was interested to note that you have grey skies, rain and about 17-18 degrees. Reminds me of our UK summer up here at present.
    I shall be there for the third test, having a long w/e in Sydney, go the Lions!
    Geoff in Lincoln, UK

  3. yep, go the Lions!!! Wallabies arrogant enough when they loose, god knows how bad it will be if they win!!

  4. Think you guys shaded it by a point….fair dinkum…. Bring on Saturday and the final showdown!!!

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