
We’ve arrived at the Noonu Atoll, Maldives, searching for the bluest water on the planet. We’re on the island of Medhufaru where Soneva Jani lies.

It’s a dreamy, idyllic place where two long jetties into a giant lagoon connect your room to the land. It’s like living on a boat; everywhere you look, there is the ocean (even the loo has a glass floor). Water slides, outdoor cinemas, and seabobs have kept my tykes busy while wifie and I try to circumnavigate the island via lagoon.

It’s an incredible place to photograph. I’ve not seen the ocean this intensely coloured; it just doesn’t look real.

Aquabumps is happy here, even though I suspect a local conspiracy to keep the waves away from me (and you). I’ve only seen one-footers around this island, and everyone points in all directions to where there’s more swell (to throw me off the scent).

:: uge

P.S. R.I.P Neil Rogers you legend, I am gonna miss your smiling face every morning down at Icebergs.

Soneva Jani

Soneva Jani and it's iconic snake jetty


I've never slept in a bed and watched the stars like this


The Gathering


Jani island is full of crabs


The water is incredibly warm


Deb working hard


The best beaches are not near the jettys


It's a crazy place, so blue


Testing out the pool


Portal to a new realm


The mystery boat, parked here for days, no IAS, left in the middle of the night

Sunset culinary delights


It's hot here, doesn't stray much from 30+


Finally a clear night for trails

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