Drenched in Pink

This morning, Bondi Beach put on a show—one of those sunrises that stops you in your tracks. The kind that makes early alarms worth it, where the sky doesn’t just wake up—it explodes.

Before the sun even peeked over the horizon, magenta and fiery pink streaks bled across the sky, reflecting off the ocean like liquid neon.

You’ve seen a good one – if you were down there this morning. Trust me, I’ve seen plenty, it was as vivid & intense as it gets. If you want a framed print from this morning, like a friends baby was born, or significant day – click this puppy.

Waves, sure—there’s still something to surf in the shoulder-high to head-high range. It still looks straight, as the banks are shallow and lack curvature. I surfed it last night, and the south has bottoming-out drainers—not suited to beginners.

Enjoy this magnificent 26 degree day.

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Good Sunrises

Fred Carmody, throwing buckets


Pink arches of the toilet block


Local Barrister, and big wave lord, Peter Strain


Magic moments at sea


When the hues died down, Icebergs


Stormy inspired by Italo


Pink tides


Jacob Sheehan backhand whips


View from Howards


Fred Carmody, trying to hit reverse


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