One of the main reasons I shoot daily is capturing the golden light that seeps over Ben Buckler in the mornings. I love it. It’s very flattering light, making the mundane into something appealing.
When it’s been raining or cloudy for 85% of the mornings this year, these sunny mornings are a treat! Let’s party!
I might also add the ocean water looks much cleaner today. On the Aquabumps non-scientific ratings, I’d say 50% cleaner than yesterday. Maybe that light offshore wind is pushing all the brown floodwaters contaminate offshore? I truly hope so.
The surf is smaller yet cleaner and organised. I saw waves in the chest to head high vicinity. Crowds are low, and the water remains warm (23-24).
Facing Monsters – Kerby Brown
Don’t miss FACING MONSTERS a surf movie about a crazy West Aussie hellman – special event Q&A screenings next week only featuring Kerby Brown, Bentley Dean & Rick Rifici, hosted by Tom Carroll
Cremorne Orpheum – Monday 21 March
Randwick Ritz – Tuesday 22 March
“surely the best-shot, if not simply the best, movie about a surfer ever made. Big call? Wait till you see it.” |★★★★★| Nick Carroll, Surfline
“At the risk of being reductive, this really is the surfing version of Free Solo”
| ★★★★| Aaron White, Letterboxd
Seeyouse, :: uge
P.S. thank you so much for all the emails of congrats for 23 years of Aquabumps. It’s great to see so many still reading and into the morning photos (From all over the globe)
Congrats on the anniversary Uge! Being one of your very first viewers of Aquabumps all the way back to the very beginning and before (‘Rob’s Eye on Dee Why’ for RealSurf) it’s been amazing watching your talent for photography and marketing grow and develop over the years and decades. LOVE YOUR WORK. We moved to regional Western Australia nine years ago but I still check in for a look at Aquabumps every morning! Huge cred to you for your perseverance to keep at it to make it work mate. RESPECT!
I remember you Rob, nice one on the move to WA.
It’s good over there!
Yeah, it’s pretty good over here! Come for a visit! Plenty of room. Borders open!