Mr. 5 most tanned humans in Bondi


Hola! The waves looked a little confused this morning. Perhaps it was a mixture of NE and south swells and a low tide. I didn’t really see anything worth riding, but try again on the 11:40am high tide (soon!).

Bondi is full of rips at the moment. They’re on turbo and it’s quite dangerous for swimming. Stick to the flags.

Today it’s gonna be hot in the jungle ese! Bang on 35 degrees. I hope the winds don’t crank too much for our fire fighters.

Next weekend Bondi’s surfing gods from the 80s and 90s will be in town to wind back the clock.
On Saturday 2nd of November The Beach Road Hotel Single Fin Classic will feature Cheyne Horan and Richard Cram ripping it up in competition on pre-1986 single fin surfboards. A number of things make the Beach Road Hotel Single Fin Classic a stand out event: As well as being the biggest surfing event in Bondi it’s a truly unique cultural event, which fuses grass roots surfing, good vibes, and bad dancing (surfers must dance before they surf for extra points). It’s not sponsored by a drink company or a video game maker, and if you want to surf in it just go to: for details. Alternatively come and enjoy a day on the hill. All welcome.

Few random pics in today’s update (not all shot today). Was unhappy with my morning catch.

Until tomorrow….adios :: ugios

Bondi, lone peak

Shift change

Andy, the world's most surfed human.

New paint

Sore back?

Biccie queen

Spot's group gone wild

2 thoughts on “B A N G

  1. random – couple the beaches on the north side have weird hectic rips at the moment as well, even like 1-2 foot getting pulled everywhere.

  2. love the sore back pic!

    and the “Biccie queen”… how freaking tall are you Uge.. looks like you went to the beach with your ladder : ))

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