The winds have died down and the swell is now coming from the East…and plenty of it.
Seeing Bondi kinda neglects the Easts swells I strayed across the bridge (yes with passport and full tank of gas) to the salubrious beachside town of Manly. I can safely say that all 1.5 km of Manly had good waves in a variety of sizes. Loads of people up early…just as many as Bondi, maybe even more. I saw sets well over head high, sometimes head’n’half at sunrise. I was itching to get out there…
The wind looks like it’s come up now, but I think you will still find something fun to surf. The swell will decline today and shoulder high only tomorrow.
Enjoy your day :: uge
nice photos uge
Uge it was cranking at Bondi this morning and you went off and took a bunch of photo’s at Manly. Shame.
No shame, chasing good waves. Um, I saw Bondi at sunrise…was o-k, fun…but wow, manly was really good.
Uge, I am a big fan and have been for many years. It is good to see you had the good sense to take the visa with you this morning and drift over the border (bridge) to see some of what God’s Country had on offer today.
Can’t argue with that first pic.
Hi there,
It’s on the second photo. So stocked.
Thanks for that. Please tell me how can I get a copy.
Just click this link –
Great shots! Love it
Happy dayz – that’s your petrol money covered anyway Uge…
Shame u missed Bondi though this morning – it was sick, I even snagged my first bazza..:)
Uge … Some quality shots there … It pays to travel sometimes. Always love your work…