I went down the beach this morning and it wasn’t pretty. A strong southerly is here and it’s making a mess of things. The skies threaten rain and there’s barely anyone around (including surfers). Yesterday was your best option for this week. I shot some real bad images of mushy water, but I thought you’d prefer to see some Hawaiian images that I took underwater just before getting on a plane back home.
SurfAid Ball
Surfaid is a non-profit organisation who help out the needy Mentawaian People (and other areas of Indonesia). They do great work, I’ve seen first hand. They are holding a Gala Evening to help raise much needed funds. Join famous surfers such as Occy, MR, Tommy Carroll, Taj and Simon Anderson in a great night in Sydney (Doltone House). It’s on Friday March 9th 2012 at 7pm. Tickets’ are $250 each or $2,500 for a standard table. Do it. Buy Tickets
Seeya tomorrow, :: uge
geat work as always uge, all of your hawaiian shots have been really impressive, keep it up it makes my day
Thanks Liam – appreciate your comments, uge
So good uge love the north shore peak shot
The underwater ballet is a stunning picture. Such elegance & poise in a moment of action, with the lines of the body + the lines of the wave captured in dynamic dialogue. Its poetry!
That Chamber shot is unreal! Massive curtain, just an awesome shot!
Hey Uge, is the SurfSho on this year by any chance?
Love the bodyboader green image – epic shot!
Sensantional underwater shots! Thanks.