Luke Dennett picking off the wave of the day


Crispy clear morning down at Bondi. The 6:25am high tide was sure to hide any of the current small SSE ground swell. Mainly 2 foot with the odd 3 foot set if you waited long enough. Nothing really special to report as most sets closed out or were super fat. Favourable NW winds today and tomorrow with a unexpected fat 21 degree maximum. Nice. Be sure to go outside at lunch.

Was surprised to see some decent waves last Saturday down at Bondi. Large weekend pack feasting on a small hollow bowl section in the south. Wasn’t there today. Case of  “should’ve been here Saturday” – that old chestnut.

Have a great week :: uge

Hollow section

Luke Mussett squeezing under the lip

The frame before this would have been the one

Today's wobbly lineup

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