Bondi 7am – head high onshore chunksters
Yesterday’s strong southerly winds kicked up some chunx worth a dabble dis morning. The southerly weather pattern continues to mess it up with early onshores, but you’d still find a few faces to slide down. Majority of the waves were a lil’ on the burgerish side, however a southern sand bank provided some vertical hold (similar to MC Plummie’s hair gel). English Summary – ittttssss okaah...
Head high on sets, Bondee is picking up the best of this new swell direction. Should a predicted NE wind change happen later today, it will clean itself up. A cool 24 degrees on the land today. Early next week some good NE swell coming.
Today is the last day to enter the Billabong Surfboard competition. Winner will be announced on tomorrow’s bumps. Just have to answer a simple question. Enter Comp
The other night a few of us checked out the Billabong McCoy surf film festival featuring Taj’s Fair Bits. A great collection of short films, some hilarious segments and spectacular small wave tow in surfing down south west coast of WA. You can catch the festival at the Cremorne Orpheum from 17 Feb to 20 Feb. Book tickets