Near Bermagui & Grotta d’Opertuso
Meet our perfect pairs –
A curated selection of artworks by beach lifestyle photographer Eugene Tan.
These fine art pieces have been paired, some by location – others purely to pay homage to the ocean, light, water, colour palette or a contrast of composition.
Harmonious rhythms, a shared story to tell – allow our Gallery consultants to help you decide which pair is best suited to your space.
ABOVE PAIR / Left: Near Bermagui / Right: Grotta d’Opertuso
Laid-back and tropical – these pairings invite that salty, sea air into your home with open arms.
LEFT PAIR / Left: Palms-R-Us / Right: Holidays
RIGHT PAIR / Left: Retro / Right: Tropical Loner
Contrasting hues brings this iconic Bondi pairing to life as it takes you on a journey from Icebergs at South Bondi and then across the bay to the boat ramp at North Bondi.
ABOVE PAIR / Left: Azzurro / Right: Tinnies
Dreaming of the surf? Let this neutral toned pair wash away your troubles and transport you to your happy place.
ABOVE PAIR / Left: Snow / Right: Cloud 9
Vapourisation & Set a Drift
Shot from a helicopter, these images of Bronte evoke feelings of nostalgia and invite you in for an afternoon dip.
ABOVE PAIR / Left: Bronte Divided / Right: Bronte Baths