Strangely, ‘The Boogeyman’ that monster who supposedly lives in children’s bedrooms, could have begun life as a pirate…a pirate from Indonesia! The Bugis are Indonesian people from Sulawesi who were bandits of the sea, feared by many along the spice routes in the 17th-19th centuries. So when you hear “Beware of The Boogeyman”, they could be referring to seafaring gangsters with wooden boats, just like the one I am on now – a Sulawesi phinisi.
We’ve had some epic sessions and strong storms. Typically, June is big wave season here, but we’ve not had any massive surf (fun-sized Ments).
The weather changes by the hour, very similar to Sydney. I’ve not seen so much rain up here. When the sun is out, the real colours of Indonesia shine. A couple of times, we’ve had to clear the line up due to 40-knot squalls.
Back home in Bondi, looks like a week of tiny surf!
:: uge