My pet robot says, “A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon caused by reflection, refraction, and dispersion of light in water droplets, resulting in a spectrum of colours appearing in the sky.”
As the showers paused, we scored a double-banger rainbow this morning. It was a short-lived gap in the constant rain – I got lucky. You’ll look at these photos and think it’s a beautiful beach day – it’s not.
Super gentle wind, semi-clean conditions and the odd shoulder-high wave. Bondi’s banks seemed to have straightened out (we had a good run – can’t complain).
I need something from you. On May 26 Aquabumps will be competing in the Bondi Surfaid Cup. Annually, we raise around $20,000 for Surfaid, it’s important to us as we frequent Indonesia and enjoy the fruits of their waves, but it’s our big way of giving back to remote communities of the region.
So, I’m calling in a favour. Aquabumps does a lot for people – and now it would be awesome to get something back through a donation. Maybe you’ve posted a free notice on my noticeboard and found an epic flatmate; perhaps I’ve helped you find the perfect honeymoon location. Perhaps you post my shots all the time on your Instagram feed, or you’ve been reading Aquabumps for 20 years and loved the photos – well, show your love for Aquabumps by donating to our Bondi Surfaid Cup team, please? (even 20 bucks will be awesome) If it’s small waves, Jet and Spike will be competing in our Aquabumps team alongside our long-term gallery manager Tyson and me. It’s a family affair!
:: uge