La Nina is over. Yep, over. Let’s party. Wow, now that the weather has been unlocked, hasn’t it rebounded in a big way? Hot-hot-hot. Mid-to-high thirties for most of yesterday – and it remained thirty degrees overnight.
The beaches have been rammed with humans seeking a reprieve from the heat. At sunrise this morning, there were people everywhere.
Last night’s sunset was exacerbated by smoke from the southern grass fires (unconfirmed). At 7 pm, the sky was an intense red, rarely seen before.
Surfing? I thought it would be 1ft or less – but to my surprise, I saw a few chest-high sets. It’s clean with westerlies now; it could swing later.
Cronulla: Former pro-surfer Blake Johnston caught 525 waves over 30 hours to claim a new world record and raise $200k for the Chumpy Pullin Foundation. More
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