I love this time of year. The light is fantastic – I can make anything look good when the light is this good. The winter light is so different from our summer rays, which can appear hazy and make colours murky. Winter light is a burnt orange, crispier making colours pop. The sun’s side angle to Bondi is magic and opens up a new range of shooting options.
In a typical year though, during winter – it’s a lot quieter down at Bondi. The “Working-from-home” thing is filling up the beaches early as the time saving of a commute is opening opportunities.
Surf – a packed lineup as a new swell broke in the 3-4 foot range – but it was exceptionally straight.
What a day! Enjoy it. There’s so much crazy stuff going on in the world, take a moment to lie on the grass and soak it in.
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:: uge
One of your best, Uge….lovely warm colours