We’ve all been inside, in iso for a while now. You’re all doing great. Really. The news tells me we are showing early signs of a flattening curve. Keep up the good work.
Speaking of curves, there are not many waves today as we have a NE wind swell (1-2ft) and trailing NE wind. It’s eerie logging onto the web-cam and seeing it so quiet down at Bondeye.
As industry grinds to a halt and we’re not moving around much, there’s less pollution being expelled into the air around the globe. Check out these satellite images on the Guardian
We’re adapting to our new way of business in the Aquabumps Gallery – our bread and butter. The gallery door is closed, but we’re still here, online, ready to help. Send us a pic of your blank walls, and we’ll make artwork suggestions, then deliver to your door Rona-free.
All pics shown today are pre-Rona. Bondi is still shutdown. :: uge