Magic carpet slide on the left, Bondi 7:15am


Our run of exquisite weather continues. A lil’ on the frosty side before the sun came up – but the water remains warm.

The surf is tiny, 1-2 foot, dribbling in on a south bank at Bondi. Nothing to rush down for.

Saturday looks super fun. 4 foot (south swell) with crisp westerly offshores. Head out of town – f’sure.

Quiksilver Japan have released a new wetsuit that actually is a wet  – suit. So if you want to get dressed up in the surf or make the transition from surf to desk faster, watch this.

It is Mother’s Day on Sunday. Order one of our ‘Day at Bondi’ coffee table books and save $50. Valid until Sunday 10th May 6pm. Order deal online now. Mum will love it!


Curly lips, Bondi

Ian from the paint shop

Lefts, cruz, Bondi Beach

Grom paddling out avoiding traffic

Being patient, Bondi

Green water, Bondi

Body bash


Chucking buckets maan

Nice left grinding in Bondi Beach this morning

4 thoughts on “Lube

  1. Shoot some body boarders man..I have been surfing bondi for 10 years, rarely see body boarders in your folio…love your work

  2. uge, you should come to Bronte and see surfers in the morning as well as the reef, on a clear day it is probably one of the most beautifulest you will ever seen. i love your post anyway, you are amazing and keep it going.

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