Today is the last photo update for 2011. Yes, another digit ticks over and we’ll be taking a few weeks break in preparation for another big year, that’ll be Aquabumps’s 13th year in operation. Yes, lucky 13 – can you believe it. What started out as a muck around photo email between my mates (in the nineties) has grown into 40,000 daily readers (with another 36,000 on Facey). To be honest, I’d never thought it would be anything more than a hobby – but here we are…5,000 updates later.
1stly – thank you to all the readers (you) of this over enthusiastic beach photo blog. Some people still come up and say they’ve been reading this for 10 years solid (sorry about all the typos). You are the best.
2ndly – Thanks to the major sponsors of Aquabumps (Canon, Land Rover, Corona and Telstra). Their support means we can keep the updates free for you guys and enables us to do interesting new stuff! Cheers to all our advertisers as well.
3rdly – thanks to all the people that help Aquabumps – the gallery staff (Xtian, Gloria, Amanda, Claire, Big Steve, Loxy, Elliot), also Kelv the IT dude, Dan the Ecomm guy, Misc the bookie, Steve the IT ninja, Wifie the PR manager. A tonne of other people help us out on a sporadic basis (usually for free) – I won’t name them all or you will go to sleep. THANK YOU!
Here is my selection of the best 50 images from 2011. Hope you enjoy them and have a fantastic Christmas and New Year. It looks like we might have some swell for the break – dang!
The gallery will be open for the next few weeks – we just won’t be updating the blog.
:: uge
PS – I am going to Hawaii, so you will be seeing big waves next Jan.
Merry Christmas Eugene Tan. Ho Ho Ho
Merry Christmas! It’s like living on the beach,looking at your daily pics…Son lived in Sydney 4 yrs,introduced us to AquaBumps…have loved it ever since…he’s now back in the States….on his wall a huge AB photo of Bronte..and on the coffee table:your marvelous book…loved seeing Jet too…adorable! Here’s to continued success in 2012..we’ll be loggin on! L..Chicago/USA
Merry xmas Uge! As always it’s been an absolute pleasure to log on to Aquabumps within 4 seconds of arriving at work every day, keep up the rad work. Frothing to see the Hawaii pics next year.
Seaons greetings and all the best for 2012. Looking forward to more beautiful shots in the new year
Merry Christmas and Happy New year to you Uge. Your pictures reminded ten years of my life in Sydney, and the amazing photos keep me going on with my life everyday.
Keep up the great work
Ahhhh I LOVE THIS!!! What a beautiful final post for the year. Had a little moment seeing baby JT at the end.
Love you guys…love Aquabumps xxx
P.S can’t believe you got my on swimmercam!?!
Merry Christmas Uge.
Your daily emails keep the stoke alive when it’s the desk, keyboard & suit for me – makes the granulated coffee a tad more palatable when I log on each day.
Hope you find the green room in Hawaii, have a great Chrissy with family, and will be looking forward to your daily updates in 2012.
The Moth
Love your shots and have a wonderful new year and Merry christmas!
Merry Xmas mate, enjoy the break with the family.
Thanks for all the great pics
The best website ugeeeee! It rocks! Have a sweet time with fam-see ya next year x
Thanks for a year of waves, sunrises and other watery inspired delights! Merry Christmas to you and the fam Happy to see an updated pic of lil Jet. (Wot, no cheesy reindeer antlers on his head?!!). Have a great break and a few sleep-ins!
Thank you so much for putting Red Velvet at the top
The Top 50 Rock Uge.
Kudos, look forward to 2012 Bumps!
Merry Christmas Uge & Jet!
See you next year Bondi!
…excellent work Eugene..keep it up
Happy Christmas and all the best for another 12 years uge – thanks for making the desk lives of office-bound surfers everywhere a little bit better. Lotsa tubes in 2012!
Thanks a million Uge for all of your daily inspirations. Merry Xmas and Happy New Year.
Ex Bondi local. We love the photo we bought that is now sitting in our London flat.
Loved the Top shots of 2011
Have a very Happy Christmas Uge, waking up in grey London each day to one of your e-mail updates makes the day an awful lot easier! Many thanks for access to you shots over the last year – can’t wait to see what 2012 brings.
All the best for you and your family,
Dave, Susie and Ed the cat
Thanks to you Uge, every morning (first in the day) you bring a ray of australian light and a bit of Bondi here in Rome!
keep it up!
Merry Christmas Uge from a grey and dreary (and flat) Dorset, UK
Have a good break, and keep up the great photo blog.
Have a wonderful Christmas with your little family Ugene, a great holiday, and the best New Year yet. Thankyou for the inspiration and delight you bring me daily here in Qeeensland. Life would not be the same without it. Aloha!
Merry Christmas and have a cracken New Year! Lookin forward to next years pics! x
Merry Christmas to you from a rainy Bremen, Germany! Have a nice holiday!
Holiday greetings to you Uge and your family! You’ve been a great inspiration to those who would love continuing their hobby not for the sake of money but for the sake of art and passion. I hope seeing your photos from Hawaii and cant wait to buy frames from you guys.
With all the love in the world,
Paula (Manila, Philippines)
Phenomenal photos Uge; thanks mate.
Happy Christmas and good new years man.
happy New Year. i think.
Happy New Years 2012 to you and your little family, Eug!
Love your work and your amazing blazing shots every day! Your pictures always bring a big smile to my face and remind me of my amazing time in Sydney!
Thanks for sharing your passion!