Shards of light at the Icebergs


Not much going down at the beaches this morning. I looked around in hope of a stealth bump but only found flakey wind chop. Bondi was 1-2 and not much use to you, unless, of course you’re new to the sport and got ya self a mini mal for chrissy, deck grip and all.

I was rather surprised to find a wave last night. In fact I’ll even say a good little wave at east facing beaches before the southerly tore it apart at 7:30pm.

What else can we talk about…I’m taking off for a little while. A junket of sorts on ‘The Rock’ (that’s Hawaii). They didn’t have a good December, so I am banking on a smoking Jan/Feb.

Speak soon :: uge

PS – It looks like we’re doing a chopper pass tomorrow. So if you’d like to be in one of our aerial shots, like so many always ask about…I’d say be on the beaches between 1:30pm and 2:30pm tomorrow, wearing ya aussie flag. Where? Well, that’s the hard part…I am going to try for Bondi (but it’s not up to me as a dude in a control tower calls the shots on a busy air traffic day)…otherwise you’ll see me dangling out of a chopper around the northern beaches. More Info

Sneaky left from the middle


...and the crowd goes wild!

Luke, popping a wheelie

Pigdoggin' from the middle

Open ocean sailing

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