Another day of magic in the islands, similar to yesterday. At sunrise the right was 4 – 6 foot, ultra clean and tubing… (and dangerous).
Our young gun Caleb Reid punted for the heavens wave after wave. Like a child in a candy store.
One of the boys on the boat got tangled in the reef and split his head open. The evac was called off and he’s now fine after the surf aid docs gave him a green light. He’ll be back in the water by the end of the week. We’re on the move now, so typing on a rocking boat ain’t the best fun.
Hope you’re enjoying the good autumn weather in Sydney. Later, uge = awesome Uge!
Awesome pic :0)
Awesome pics uge. They remind me of a trip I did with ashdown a while ago. I love sheep- that’s a funny name
Amazing photos! That sky is beautiful and Caleb is awesome! Love from his Auntie Janet in Minnesota, USA
Wicked snaps there mate!! I know where I’d rather be right now…
Passo, we all love sheep!!