A muggy grey morning in Bondi. Like yesterday, small waves limping into the bay (waist to chest). West to Nor-west-then Nor east winds.
Due to offshore upwelling, the water remains frosty. You can feel the coolness as you walk close to it. Quite refreshing after a very warm nights sleep.
Bondi is such a mix of people from all over the world; this morning, I met Hide from Japan, who loves Aquabumps and came running up with my new book, telling me how awesome it is (get yours). Sammy from Parramatta runs a training group on the sand in her Bur-Kini and pumps the doof. I met Rosario from Argentina, walking along the shore and post-swim hunting for coffee. Every day, someone new down there. It’s quite incredible for a beach that is only 900 metres long (small).
It could sprinkle later, rain tonight, and pour tomorrow and Saturday. You’ll be indoors Friday and Saturday, and Sunday looking better.
Enjoy the warm weather.
:: uge
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